Textile label printing presses have adopted new and greatly more efficient technologies in the recent past, especially in the areas of print automation and ease of operation. The result is that the second hand market has become flooded with used and refurbished machines that were state of the art 10 years ago but are now inefficient and outdated. However, they still function as fabric printing machines and may present an attractive proposition and alternative to the more significant investment involved in acquiring a new machine.
We're A Gold Sponsor for Rotometrics European Open Event 2018
Our next European Open Event is scheduled for July 3rd & 4th Venue : RotoMetrics International Ltd Location: Walsall Road, Aldridge, West Midlands, WS9 0SW, United Kingdom Free registration to this amazing event is now OPEN! Contact Neil Lilly via email, neil.lilly@rotometrics.com, to register... Now!
A Brief Look At The Flexo Printing Process
Flexo printing remains a mainstay of the continuous-run print world, regardless of the permanence of lithographic presses and the continued growth of digital printing.
What Is The Flexographic Printing Process?
Flexographic printing is capable of achieving high-quality printed images at high production speeds, making it a popular choice in the food packaging, textiles and label printing industries, especially for longer print runs. Flexographic (Flexo) printing has much in common with other forms of rotary printing, but with added versatility due to the ability to hybridise Flexo presses with new digital technologies to boost productivity and reduce costs.
What Does The Future Hold For Drying Systems On Narrow Web Flexographic Printing Presses?
Today’s manufacturing and converting processes have become complex, calling for automation and increased production. The use of computer controls and state-of-the art technology is becoming more evident. In the meantime, the cost of energy, industry’s biggest necessity, has become more expensive, especially for heating and drying. Industry has, therefore demanded that equipment manufacturers provide better and more efficient heating systems.
What Is A Flexo Printing Press?
The Flexographic (flexo) printing press is one of the most efficient and consistent printing tools that we have in the market today, for all medium & long run print applications. Flexo continues to be the most popular of all web-fed technologies that has been deployed throughout the printing industry. A flexo press uses flexible photopolymer printing plates to imprint images across a wide range of surfaces, making it one of the most efficient methods for large volume requirements.