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3 Advantages of Ultrasonic Cleaning for Anilox Rolls on Printing Machines

Posted by David Lee on 11 January 2023

Over time, printing machines in high-speed, high-volume production lines accumulate dirt and other contaminants, which can affect the quality of their output and cause mechanical failure. Cleaning the machines can, understandably, seem onerous, especially if you feel that valuable production time is being wasted while the task is carried out: after all, surely it’s more profitable to have your production line operating at its maximum capacity?

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How To Reduce Your Printing Press Lifetime Repair Bill

Posted by David Lee on 2 March 2022

During the pandemic, manufacturers of equipment have been under pressure to reduce stock levels of parts & spares for their older equipment, often leaving end users with reduced levels of support. Some manufacturers have taken the decision that they will no longer provide service or parts for equipment long since out of production. Some specialist parts such as electrical control boards can no longer be found or are uneconomic to repair.

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An Introduction To Printing Press Machine Parts & Maintenance

Posted by David Lee on 28 February 2020

A printing press, like any machinery, requires regular maintenance in order to keep it performing to an optimum level. Keeping your printing press well maintained doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg. By following a few simple guidelines you can minimise your lifetime printing press repair bill and keep it operating at maximum efficiency. Keeping your printing press clean and well lubricated is the very basic maintenance activity that should be done in-house on a regular basis. Spotting potential running issues is a skill that requires all your senses. Listening for damaged bearings, gears, a vibration, a mark or line in the print, an unusual sound may indicate a potential issue just around the corner. If unsure, Contact the manufacturer, they may know exactly what the issue is. At Focus, we have decades of experience and can diagnose most problems quickly, helping you to get back up and running in no time.

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