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Where To find Us At The Label Expo 2017 – 21 Days To Go!

Posted by David Lee on Sep 4, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Where To find Us At The Label Expo 2017 – 21 Days To Go!.png

We can’t believe that there are less than 21 days to go until the start of The Label Expo Europe, on 25th - 28th September 2017. Our team have been working hard to get live working models ready of all our latest print machinery, and we can’t wait to demonstrate them in action.

In previous articles we have introduced our demonstration models and explained a bit more about what the Expo is all about. Here we would like to provide some practical information about how to get to the exhibition, how to book your trip and where to find us!



The Label Expo takes place over four days between the 25th and 28th September 2017. Save the dates! There will be over 650 exhibitors from all parts of the label printing industry, including ourselves, taking over nine exhibition halls – including an automation arena for live demonstrations.


The exhibition venue is the Brussels Expo, the majestic Art Deco Palais Des Exhibitions, situated a short drive from the city centre.

The address is 1 Place de Belgique / Belgeplein 1, 1020, Brussels. A map with directions can be found here.

Booking Your Visit To Label Expo Europe 2017

First things first, register yourself and your team as Expo visitors. Until 15th September tickets cost only €55, after which they are €80. This includes VAT at the Belgian rate of 6%. Tickets can be booked by clicking here.

If you want to attend either of the Label Academy master classes on 26th September, or the Inks, Coatings & Varnishes master class on 27th September, you will need to register separately. Class registration fees apply. Check the Label Expo website for more details.

Payments can be made by any credit or debit card.


If you are flying to Belgium from the UK, flights to Zaventum Airport in Brussels take around an hour from any of the main British airports. Some discounted fares are available through Brussels Airlines for registered Expo attendees.

From the airport, the Brussels Expo is only a 20 minute taxi journey. There is also a regular train service to the city centre and a free shuttle bus service on each of the show days.

You may also want to take the train to Brussels, in which case the Eurostar will get you there from London in just a couple of hours. If you’re driving to the Expo, the exhibition centre is located just off Exit 7A of the main Brussels Ring Road (R0). There is a 10,000 space car park available at the exhibition centre.


There are plenty of places to stay in Brussels but we recommend you book as early as possible, because the best places always book up quickly. Take a look at the hotels available through Label Expo’s accommodation partner C’accomodation, which can be found here. There are a variety of two star, three star and four-star hotels within easy reach of the venue, with some group booking discounts available for parties of five or more visitors.

How To Find Us

You can find us at exhibitor Stand 7D25, where we will be demonstrating a range of our digital and flexo presses, converting, finishing and platemaking equipment.

It is a big exhibition spread over nine halls, so you can find us in Hall 7, Row D, Stand 25.

We are located not far from the main entrance, to the right of the hall as you come in. Pass the media centre to your left and you will find us directly behind the main seating area, flanked by the Maan Group, SIMEC Group and Sandon Global

If you are coming in from the disabled access and toilets at the back of the hall, Row D can be found over to your left. Make your way to the front of the hall along the main walkway, passing the large Nilpeter exhibition stand in the centre on your right and the Edale stand on your left. Keep going and you will find us on the left just past Flexo Maid.

Download the Hall 7 PDF floorplan to help you find us.

See You In Brussels!

Label Expo Europe is one of the leading package printing technology exhibitions in the world. With just over a month to go, take action today to secure your place and experience the latest developments in print technology being demonstrated live by leading manufacturers.

Attending The Label Expo gives you the opportunity to see what practical improvements new print technologies will bring your business, in terms of enhancing your existing machines, improving efficiency and increasing your production capacity.

We hope to catch up with you in Brussels this September. Until then, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions about our print solutions, including our live demonstration models.

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