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Reducing the Carbon Footprint: the Environmental Impact of Hybrid Printing

Posted by David Lee on Jul 5, 2024 10:00:00 AM

 Reducing Carbon Footprint label showing the environmental impact hybrid printing gives.

Although the printing industry has been dogged by a reputation for poor environmental standards, much progress to improve its sustainability has been made in recent years.

Since 1990, the industry’s carbon footprint has fallen by more than 90 per cent, with energy consumption decreasing by 40 per cent every decade and chemical use by 98 per cent. Nevertheless, more could still be done, so new technologies, such as sustainable printing, are emerging to streamline production, reduce waste, and eliminate reliance on harmful inks.

In this article, we’ll explore how hybrid printing is playing a positive role in minimising environmental damage and boosting printing companies’ reputation for sustainable practice.

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Optimising print runs

A key environmental benefit of hybrid printing is its ability to optimise the quantity of print runs. Enhanced efficiency reduces overproduction, minimising the waste of ink and paper. The needless waste of paper poses serious risks to the environment: a single kilogram requires two to three times its weight in trees, so rapid deforestation can drive up carbon levels in the atmosphere and worsen climate change. With hybrid printing, businesses can adopt an eco-friendly approach that conserves valuable resources and plays a crucial role in reducing the overall carbon footprint of printing operations.


Eco-friendly inks and substrates

Digital hybrid printing technologies allow for the use of eco-friendly inks and substrates which are designed to reduce harmful emissions and the ecological impact often associated with traditional printing methods. By switching to more sustainable materials, companies who use hybrid printing can make a significant stride toward a greener future in the printing industry.


Variable data printing for greater efficiency

Hybrid printing is perfectly set up for variable data printing which can enhance marketing materials while reducing paper waste. By enabling companies to tailor print quantities precisely to their needs, hybrid printing helps them to avoid unnecessary printing and the associated waste. By producing only what is required, resource consumption and the carbon footprint are significantly reduced.


Optimised production workflow and energy efficiency

Hybrid printing optimises production workflows and increases energy efficiency. By selecting the best technology for each printing project, energy consumption is minimised, slashing bills and reducing the carbon emissions that are produced when electricity is generated. By harnessing the strengths of both traditional and digital printing methods, hybrid printing ensures that energy use is kept to a minimum without compromising on quality or efficiency.


Find out more with our free guide

To learn more about how your business can stay ahead in the printing industry and earn a reputation for sustainability, please download our free guide.

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Image Source: Canva


Topics: Hybrid Combination Technology, Hybrid Printing Press

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